Types of sensors used in industrial automation.


Sensor is a device which detects  physical property and records, indicates, and otherwise respond to it.
"to ensure greater response, the engineers used electronic sensors to monitor each wheel.

Types of sensors used in industrial automation.

1. Proximity sensors.

Proximity sensors are able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. It's often. emits electromagnetic field ash beam of electromagnetic radiation and looks for changes. the field of return signal.

 2. Photoelectric sensors.

 Photoelectric sensors are also device  that detects difference in light level recieved from the light source. The sensor is made up amplifier signal converter and a light source an output. There are three types of photoelectric sensors.

A. Thru-beam sensor

Two seperate device are used to make or Break beam seciever.one is emitter and second is receiver.

(B) Diffused sensor,

The light source and the receiver are housed in the same housing. When the light beam emitted  towards the target is reflected back to the  sensor by the object. 

(c) Retro reflective sensor, 

Both device light source and the receiver are  found in same housing. The light beam emitted from sensor is aimed at the reflector. which is sent to the light recieving element.

3.Light safety certain sensor

In this types and recieves occured in of senser are locate. bodies Transmitter when there is any objection. Transmitter and receiver safety sensed off the equipment.


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