What is the meaning of C, S, and R in non inverter compressor.

Meaning of C S & R 

C- Common
S- Start
R- Run

Short trick to remember.

Can She Run
Can - C
She - S
Run- R

How to decide common start and run.

By check continuity.

• The lowest ohm reading is between Common and Run

• The middle ohm reading is between Common and Start

• The highest ohm reading is between Start and Run

Common is just a point between Start and Run, and therefore, the Common to Start and Run to Start readings will add up to the run to start reading. Many will tout this as a diagnostic reading you should check. It's more a mathematical fact than something useful to check. If you did see a higher reading Start to Common + Run to Common vs. Run to Start, it could really only indicate an increased resistance through the motor thermal overload that breaks common.

Here is how I remember which winding resistance is which (let the mockery begin):

Starting is hard , it has the highest resistance.

Running is hard too but it's not as hard as starting, so it has less resistance than Start.



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