
Showing posts from October, 2022

What is the meaning of C H and F in dual capacitor

 Meaning of C H & F in dual capacitor. Dual capacitor. In dual capacitor 2 capacitors ( start & run) combined in one capacitor. There are three terminal point on dual capacitor named as C, H, and F . Meaning of C H and F in dual capacitor. C- Common H- Herm F- Fan 1. Common compressor and fan's running phase are situated in common point. 2. Herm Compressor start phase situates in Herm point. 3. Fan  Fan start phase situates in fan point.

Difference between refrigerator and air conditioner.

Difference between refrigerator and Air conditioner. In short term Refrigerator - A device which is used for cooling only. Air conditioner - A device which is used for to make a comfort condition. Refrigerator and air conditioner both are working on same principle. Vapour compression cycle Vapour absorption cycle. In air conditioner 4 elements or controlled 1. Temperature 2. Humidity 3. Cleanness of air 4. Air distribution

What is the meaning of C, S, and R in non inverter compressor.

Meaning of C S & R  C- Common S- Start R- Run Short trick to remember. Can She Run Can - C She - S Run- R How to decide common start and run. By check continuity. • The lowest ohm reading is between Common and Run • The middle ohm reading is between Common and Start • The highest ohm reading is between Start and Run Common is just a point between Start and Run, and therefore, the Common to Start and Run to Start readings will add up to the run to start reading. Many will tout this as a diagnostic reading you should check. It's more a mathematical fact than something useful to check. If you did see a higher reading Start to Common + Run to Common vs. Run to Start, it could really only indicate an increased resistance through the motor thermal overload that breaks common. Here is how I remember which winding resistance is which (let the mockery begin): Starting is hard , it has the highest resistance. Running is hard too but it's not as hard as starting, so it has less resist

HVAC introduction

HVAC- HVAC stands for heating ventilation and air conditioning. HEATING -  To increase the temperature VENTILATION -  The process of supplying clean air and removing polluted air by natural or mechanical means to and from a particular space is called ventilation. AIR-CONDITIONING -  To make a comfort condition. Air conditioning is defined as "the process of treatment of air. There or four important actions are involved in air conditioning. A. Temperature B. Humidity C. Cleanness of air  D. Air distribution Now we describe all the point. A. Temperature  Human feel comfort in the range of 22 degree celcious to 26.5 degree celcious temperature. B. Humidity  For human comfort relative humidity lies between 30% to 70%. C. Cleanness of air. It's measure in grade or class.less grade means good quality air. Grade is depend upon particles which presents in a finite amount of air. As like as  1st class or grade 1. Grade 2  D. Air distribution For human comfort the velocity of air lies b